How We Support Your Healing

Healing after trauma is a personal journey, and everyone’s path looks different. That’s why we offer a variety of personalised trauma-sensitive therapies to meet your unique needs.

Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, trauma, relationship challenges, or just need someone to talk to, we’re here to help.

Our approach blends therapeutic techniques to create a plan that feels right for you, so you can find the support and understanding to connect with your wisdom and heal from the impacts of complex trauma.

NDIS Complex trauma Informed

Therapies We Offer

Gestalt Therapy: Embrace the Present and Connect with Your Whole Self

How Gestalt Therapy Works

Gestalt Therapy helps you become more aware of how your thoughts, emotions, and body are all connected. It’s about staying present in the moment, so you can better understand how past experiences shape your current feelings and behaviours. By exploring these connections, we can uncover hidden patterns and help you find new, healthier ways of being.

In our sessions, we’ll explore what’s happening in the moment—through your body language, expressions, and feelings. We may gently look at past experiences to see how they influence your present. The process also involves a spiritual aspect, encouraging a deeper connection between your mind, body, and spirit.

Gestalt Therapy can help identify where certain thoughts, feelings, or behaviours might be limiting your growth. By fostering a deeper self-awareness and connection, you can make decisions from a place of clarity and alignment.

As a Gestalt Therapist, I believe in the inherent goodness of people and their capacity to move towards positive change. I also recognise that challenges often arise when we’re disconnected from our true selves.

What is Relational Gestalt Therapy (RGT)?

Relational Gestalt Therapy (RGT) is an approach that supports you to rediscover and reclaim parts of yourself that you may have felt didn’t belong or weren’t accepted. It offers a skill set to help you meet other people in an honest, respectful, compassionate and vibrant way. 

This modality moves beyond the concept of individualism, encouraging a deeper connection with yourself, others, and the world around you. By focusing on the interplay between personal needs and the needs of the broader community, RGT encourages a sense of interdependence and mutual care.

In RGT, the belief is that healthy people are adaptable and self-aware, able to respond flexibly to life’s ups and downs. They understand that while they can take care of their own needs, they’re also part of a bigger picture – one where mutual support and responsibility for others and the environment are just as important. 

By finding this balance, we can take responsibility for our choices, and in doing so, create a life that feels more meaningful and fulfilling.

Gestalt Therapy Is Helpful For:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Low self-esteem
  • Insomnia
  • Relationship challenges
  • Coping with stress
  • Managing difficult emotions
  • Trauma
  • Physical symptoms with psychological connections, like migraines

Gestalt Therapy can also be effectively combined with other therapeutic approaches, such as CBT.

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Connect with Your Body’s Wisdom

How Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Works

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP) is a therapeutic approach specifically designed for trauma and attachment issues that places a strong emphasis on the body as a valuable source of insight. 

This gentle, body-centred approach recognises that the physical body holds key information that can guide the healing process, helping you to access and process challenging, traumatic, and developmental experiences. 

Trauma often manifests in the body through tension, pain, or discomfort. This therapy encourages you to tune into these physical signals, allowing you to release the trauma stored within, leading to deep, long-term healing and emotional balance.

In sessions, we’ll work with the physical sensations and movements that arise, exploring how they relate to your emotional experiences. By paying attention to your body’s responses, we can help release stored trauma, change patterns and thoughts that may be blocking your path to healing, and connect with a greater sense of wellbeing.

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy supports you in understanding and integrating your physical and emotional experiences, for internal harmony and resilience.

This is a holistic modality, which integrates somatic, emotional, and cognitive processes for healing.

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Is Helpful For:

  • Trauma and PTSD
  • Anxiety
  • Chronic pain
  • Stress-related conditions
  • Body image issues
  • Emotional regulation difficulties

This approach can complement other therapies to enhance overall healing and integration.

Compassionate Inquiry: Uncover Your True Self with Empathy

How Compassionate Inquiry Works

Compassionate Inquiry (CI) is a gentle therapeutic approach that helps you reconnect with your true self. Often, our deepest struggles come from feeling disconnected from who we really are – a disconnect that can be caused by trauma from our childhood or even passed down through generations. CI helps to heal that disconnection by offering a way to better understand your experiences and feelings.

Compassionate Inquiry helps you explore the root causes of your struggles with deep empathy and understanding. This approach encourages you to gently investigate your thoughts, emotions, and memories to uncover and heal underlying issues that might be keeping you stuck.

In a CI session, the therapist guides you with caring, thoughtful questions, acting like a mirror to help you see yourself more clearly. This process allows you to explore your responses and reactions to different situations, helping you uncover the hidden patterns and dynamics that might be holding you back. 

By bringing these unconscious patterns to light, you can start to release long-suppressed emotions and open up new possibilities for joy, creativity, and freedom. 

CI provides a safe space for you to grow, heal, and rediscover yourself. And when we each take steps toward healing, the positive effects can ripple out, touching not just our own lives but also the world around us.

Compassionate Inquiry Is Helpful For:

  • Emotional difficulties
  • Trauma
  • Self-discovery
  • Relationship issues
  • Personal healing

Compassionate Inquiry can be integrated with other therapeutic techniques for a holistic healing experience.

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT): Strengthen Your Emotional Connections

How Emotionally Focused Therapy Works

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) focuses on the emotional bonds you share with others, aiming to strengthen and deepen these connections. If you’re struggling in your relationships, EFT helps you understand and reshape the emotional dynamics at play. By fostering a deeper emotional connection, this approach helps build trust, intimacy, and stronger, more supportive relationships.

During our sessions, we’ll explore your emotional experiences and how they influence your relationships. EFT supports you in reshaping these dynamics, leading to healthier, more supportive connections with your loved ones.

By addressing the emotional aspects of your relationships, EFT helps you build stronger, more resilient bonds with those who matter most.

Emotionally Focused Therapy Is Helpful For:

  • Relationship difficulties
  • Attachment issues
  • Communication problems
  • Emotional distance
  • Couples therapy

EFT can be used alongside other therapeutic approaches to enhance relational healing.

Internal Family Systems (IFS): Harmonise Your Inner Self

How Internal Family Systems Works

Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy explores the different parts of yourself to understand and harmonise inner conflicts. Sometimes, different parts of you might have conflicting desires or beliefs, leading to internal struggles. 

IFS helps you understand these inner conflicts and guides you in connecting with and making space for these parts, so you can feel more whole and at peace within yourself.

In sessions, we’ll identify and engage with these various parts, helping you to understand their roles and resolve conflicts between them. 

By harmonising these inner aspects, IFS supports you in achieving a deeper sense of inner peace and self-understanding.

Internal Family Systems Is Helpful For:

  • Self-identity issues
  • Inner conflict
  • Trauma and past wounds
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Personal growth

IFS can complement other therapeutic methods for a comprehensive approach to healing.

Family Constellations: Understand Your Family Dynamics

How Family Constellations Works

Family Constellations explores the influence of family history on your current life. Sometimes, patterns of trauma or dysfunction can be passed down through generations. This therapy helps you identify and release these patterns, freeing you to live a life that’s truly your own.

In sessions, we’ll use experiential methods to uncover and address family dynamics that affect you. This process helps to release entrenched patterns and promote healing across generations.

Family Constellations supports you in breaking free from dysfunctional patterns, allowing you to live more fully and authentically.

Family Constellations Is Helpful For:

  • Family-related issues
  • Generational trauma
  • Relationship dynamics
  • Personal development
  • Emotional blockages

This approach can be combined with other therapies for a deeper, more comprehensive healing experience.

Psychotherapy & Counselling Services, Brisbane

At Wise Beginning we support individuals, romantic partners, and families with a range of mental health and wellbeing issues, including trauma, grief, addiction, adjusting to a new country, relationship counselling and more…